SOI Data Sets - prog:mdi_ground - housekeeping & history

The data in this program are derived from observations made with the Michelson Doppler Imager Simulator, an approximate replica of the flight instrument, operating at Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories. The data sets described here have not been organized in the standard way, but are named simply from the date and time of the start of observations.

These data are provided for purposes of instrument analysis, testing and software development. They are unlikely to be suitable for scientific analysis.

Available Processing Levels

For a general description of processing levels within the SOI database, see the SOI Datasets description.

Housekeeping and Command History data are available only in raw form.

Available Data Series


Data sets are organized monthly.

Command History

Data sets are organized monthly.

This page last revised 1 December, 1995.

Please address comments and questions to Rick Bogart, SOI Data Scientist

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