

     gather_qual in={level 1 dataset spec}


     Gather_qual produces a quality summary file for  each  input
     dataset.   The  summary file is stored as a record data file
     containing headers only in an  "Appendable  Dataset"  within
     the  SSSC  system.  The file is an rdb file containing a set
     of keyword-value pairs for each record in the input dataset.
     Gather_qual  takes  input  from  both  explicit and implicit
     sources.  The primary input is the input  dataset  specified
     with  the  "in"  argument.   The "in" argument may specify a
     single dataset or a data collection.  Each dataset in a data
     collection is processed one at a time.  The description that
     follows is for each input dataset.

     The        input         dataset         specifies         a
     prog,level,series,series_number.   The  prog,level,series is
     used as the specifier of  the  output  dataset.   The  input
     series_number  is  used  as  the record_number in the output
     dataset.  The  file  containing  the  output  data  will  be
     referred  to  as  the  "output record file".  It is expected
     that after gather_qual is executed another program  will  be
     run which enables opertor modifications to the output record
     file based upon operator inspection of the  data.   A  prior
     version  of  the  output record file will be read before any
     other   processing   to   preserve   any   operator   input.
     Gather_qual  uses  unix  file  locking to reserve the output
     record file during processing.

     In addition to reading the  input  dataset  and  a  possible
     prior  output  record  file,  gather_qual  reads  any level0
     record file that might exist.  The  level0  record  file  is
     found in the SSSC soidata "_rec" dataset collection.

     In addition to these inputs, gather_qual reads  the  mission
     long MDI status dataset.  This is also an appendable dataset
     All the mdi_log datasets are stored in the  same  directory,
     which  is  allowed  for  SSSC appendable dataset but not for
     normal SSSC datasets.

     If the input dataset name is:
     then the output record is:
     and the level0 record is:

     and the implied templates are:
       setenv                                       prog_name_log
       setenv                                       prog_name_rec
       setenv                                             mdi_log

     The "protocol" of the  output  dataset  is  "RDB.RDB"  which
     means  that  the  output  file  data record is itself an rdb
     file.  The filename is:       {#%06d#series}.record.rdb


     Gather_qual does the following:

     Build dataset names and pathnames for the output data  file,
     the level0 record and the mdi_log (or mdi_eof_log) dataset.

     Read the level0 record, if present.

     Abort if either the mdi_log or the level1 records are absent
     for   the   times   needed.   Continue  with  a  warning  if
     mdi_eof_log is absent.

     If the output  dataset  does  not  exist,  create  it  using
     T_BLOCK, T_EPOCH, CONFORMS from input dataset.

     Make a lock on the output record file.

     Decode the DPC and warn in the cases where  quality  depends
     on  more than one time.  gather_qual gathers quality for one
     T_REF only.

     Fill the output overview rdb file as follows:
          DSNAME     input dataset overview
          DPC_STR    input dataset overview
          T_EPOCH    input dataset overview
          T_FIRST    input dataset overview
          T_LAST     input dataset overview
          TBLXYUPD   input dataset overview
          T_G_QUAL   runtime of gather_qual

     Fill the output record  as follows:
          T_REF      input dataset
          T_OBS      input dataset

          QUALITY    quality
          QUAL_VLD   quality valid
          T_QUAL     runtime of gather_qual

          DATA_SW    data status word
          DATA_SSW   data status word valid
          T_DATA_SW  runtime of gather_qual

          PROBLEM    problem status
          PROB_VLD   problem status valid
          T_PROB     runtime of prob_upd

     After the above list down to T_G_QUAL is filled in, read the
     observable  limits  file  described  below and check all the
     keywords specified there  for  limits  and/or  bits  set  as
     specified in the limits file.

     Clear the bit 31 (MDI_PROB_VALID) in PROB_VLD as an  indica-
     tion  that  gather_qual  has  been  rerun  and that operator
     inspection may be necessary.

     Write the output record file and remove the lock.

     Free all malloced regions and loop to next input dataset.


     DATA_SW   and   PROBLEM   contain   bits   as   defined   in

     DATA_SSW and PROB_VLD contain validity bits for DATA_SW  and

     QUALITY and QUAL_VLD are composite status words where


     Note that some  of  the  keywords  set  rely  on  observable
     specific  info  that  is found in a file based on observable
     name, derived from the  DPC.   The  observable  control  and
     limit               file              is              named:
     /home/soi/CM/tables/observables/XXX_limits.rdb where XXX  is
     the observable name, e.g. fd_V.

     The format of the limits file is:
        KEY        Keyword to be tested.
        EXPECT     Typical value
        MAX        Max allowed value
        MIN        Minimum allowed value
        RANGE      Alternate form to MAX,MIN, gives +- factor to allow from EXPECT.
        MASK_OK    Bit mask with required bits.
        MASK_BAD   Bit mask with forbidden bits.
        BADNESS    value to put into QUALITY if limits exceeded.
        DSW_BIT    Bit to set in DATA_SW if limit exceeded. Set in DATA_SSW in any case.

     A missing MASK_OK, MASK_BAD, MAX, MIN, or RANGE means do not
     do  that  test.   The value to test is first searched in the
     output record file then in the input data.





     Writes informational messages to the history log.
     Writes warning and error messages to the error log.
     Returns non-zero error code on failure.


     gather_qual gathers quality for one T_REF only. Either  this
     module  should be extended when quality depends on more than
     one T_REF or another module should handle  the  cases  where
     the   result   of   MDI_dpc_decode   is   dpc.observable  ==
     DPC_OBS_FDMAGSUM or dpc.cadence == DPC_SMPL_TWT.

     The limits file and observable specific tests are not imple-