

     peq - pe query


     peq  [-v]  [-d]  [-w]  [-Ahost]  [-L]  [-Oname]  [-t#]  [-f]


     peq queries a database for the given  dataset_name  informa-
     tion.   The  dataset_name  must be in quotes if any "[]" are
     used. A series number range may be given.

     peq is mainly intended to allow a script to extract database
     information  for  a dataset name. Normally a user would view
     the database with the Oracle sqlforms program or appropriate
     Web page.

     peq is also intended for use by the  Pipeline  Scheduler  to
     retrieve  datasets  ahead  of time that will be required for
     map files that the Pipeline Scheduler builds.

     peq is run as a PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) task.  A  pvm
     daemon will be started on the host if needed.

     NOTE: There once was a [-a] option to  retrieve  from  Ampex
     only  if  the tape is not on-shelf. This will be replaced by
     the peqnop program.


     -v   The verbose flag (really extraneous).

     -w   The working directories flag. The keylist printout will
          only be for the wd's.

     -d   The debug flag. Runs the dsds_svc in debug mode with  a
          dbx window.

          The  Ampex  flag.  Access  the  ampex_svc  if  need  to
          retrieve  data.   Host  is  an  optional name to assign
          local /PDS storage from.  If not  specified,  will  use
          the  env  vrbl PDS_SET_HOST, else will use sonar if the
          peq is executing on sonar, else tarax.

     -L   The local flag. Run local dsds_svc/ampex_svc. Don't use
          pe_rpc. This is for development use only and requires a

          The Oracle db to query instead of the default mdi_2 db.

     -t#  (touch) #of days to retain  datasets  before  deletable
          (if  no  # given, the default is 2 days, same as when a
          ds is brought on-line with no  -t  given).   The  value
          "keep"  will  retain  the  ds  until findkeep is run to
          change it.

     -f   the dataset_name is  a  file  name  containing  dataset
          names. For example:

          #file of dataset names for input to  peq  with  the  -f
          #each      line     can     be     a     datacollection


     csh>peq "prog:mdi,level:raw,series:sci5k[1122]"
     dsds_svc currently running for db=mdi_2
     Registered with dsds_svc as uid=159650
     current_client: KEYTYP_LONG     270684904
     pe_rpc_tid:     KEYTYP_INT      263367
     orig_pe_tid:    KEYTYP_INT      268296
     status_num:     KEYTYP_INT      0
     req_num:        KEYTYP_INT      26
     in:     KEYTYP_STRING   prog:mdi,level:raw,series:sci5k[1122]
     in_nsets:       KEYTYP_INT      1
     in_series_range:        KEYTYP_STRING   1122
     in_series_sn:   KEYTYP_INT      1122
     in_series:      KEYTYP_STRING   sci5k
     in_level:       KEYTYP_STRING   raw
     in_prog:        KEYTYP_STRING   mdi
     in_data:        KEYTYP_STRING   prog:mdi,level:raw,series:sci5k[1122]
     in_fsn: KEYTYP_INT      0
     in_lsn: KEYTYP_INT      -1
     in_incr:        KEYTYP_INT      1
     in_fmt: KEYTYP_STRING   %04d
     in_0_series_range:      KEYTYP_STRING   1122
     in_0_series:    KEYTYP_STRING   sci5k
     in_0_level:     KEYTYP_STRING   raw
     in_0_prog:      KEYTYP_STRING   mdi
     in_0_data:      KEYTYP_STRING   prog:mdi,level:raw,series:sci5k[1122]
     in_0_fsn:       KEYTYP_INT      0
     in_0_lsn:       KEYTYP_INT      -1
     in_0_incr:      KEYTYP_INT      1
     in_0_fmt:       KEYTYP_STRING   %04d
     in_0_series_sn: KEYTYP_INT      1122
     in_wd:  KEYTYP_STRING   .
     in_basename:    KEYTYP_STRING
     in_0_wd:        KEYTYP_STRING   /PDS3/D128196/raw/sci5k/001122
     in_0_basename:  KEYTYP_STRING
     inname: KEYTYP_STRING   in_0
     dsds_uid:       KEYTYP_LONG     159650
     in_0_prog_sn:   KEYTYP_INT      -1
     pe_tid: KEYTYP_INT      266329
     USER:   KEYTYP_STRING   jim
     t_first:        KEYTYP_STRING   -1
     t_last: KEYTYP_STRING   -1
     in_0_level_sn:  KEYTYP_INT      1
     svc_name:       KEYTYP_STRING   index_sci5k_svc
     svc_version:    KEYTYP_STRING   V1R2B0
     tape_pos:       KEYTYP_STRING   2179
     tape_id:        KEYTYP_INT      2115000
     tape_file_num:  KEYTYP_INT      2
     dsds_bytes:     KEYTYP_DOUBLE    5.7724928000000000e+07
     create_uid:     KEYTYP_LONG     128196
     ds_index:       KEYTYP_ULONG    30027
     DS_ARCHIVE:     KEYTYP_INT      5008

     Note: the dataset is not on-line

     Deregistered with dsds_svc as uid=159650
     peq Normal Completion

     Notice that the dataset name must be quoted because of the imbeded [].
     If you wanted to bring this dataset back on-line, the peq could be
     repeated with the "-A" option.





     Jim Aloise


     1996-06-14     SOI Version 1.3.0 1995-05-17     SOI  Version