Aa4d&HH $ dR     dFootnote TableFootnote**. . / -  ]))  ]LOT TableTitleLOFFigureTOC1Heading2Heading3Heading # U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  \  ]  ^  _  M O N S V Z \ ^   R  ] (79070: 2Heading: 6.3 sds_parity_adjust.c U e ` U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  \ p ] ה ^ j _  R(79070: 2Heading: 6.3 sds_parity_adjust.c, <$marker1> m <$marker2>Fi <$paratext[Title]> <$paratext[1Heading]> <$curpagenum>$<$lastpagenum><$monthname> <$daynum>, <$year> (Continued)+ (Sheet <$tblsheetnum> of <$tblsheetcount>)Pagepage<$pagenum>Heading & Page <$paratext> on page<$pagenum>Section & Page%Section<$paranum> on page<$pagenum>See Heading & Page%See <$paratext> on page<$pagenum>. Table & Page'Table<$paranumonly> on page<$pagenum> Figure & PageSec. <$paranumonly> YHeading<$paranumonly> [SectionSection<$paranum> !  ``A bbO eeV ff\A hh kk mnA ppein sstad TOC LOF LOT IX JA R L(79 din2s_p L_ad K  4ker  2.2>Fi  2.1tle L Kate Kng]  4.1$ K Lenu 5me> (ynu Lr> )(Co 9 (et *tnu 9bls +>) 9 ,age -m> 0din 1 < 2> T$pa ^ . & /tio 3um> 4<$p 5 6din 7%Se 8tex  ge4.2 Yle Iabl umo1age  gen K Fi ge3par Knly He3.2anu  > [3.1 Kon >6!  5.1A  6.1 Le K  f\6.2h  2.3k  6.4A  6.3 K s K L K L K K K K K LA KL L L2 L_ad 4.3 Kker K K L Ktle K L LAWPdA`e(dB9fk*dC9DD-6h\V0DC 26h\V0F !ioUU n4Zperforming actual scientific analysis. The functions whose names appear in bold-face type UU nmodin their respective headings have been placed in the SOI software zbn-release of Oct 6, 1993, UU nn[meaning that they will not be changed until the next release. Functions in light-face type *UU n.2_are in the prototype stage. They may be added to the zbn-release in the future, probably 6UU@ n3renamed and possibly with different functionality. KZ` uGeneral Utilities rUU nLYThese are general dataset manipulation routines, dependent only on the structure and not ~UU nZthe meaning of the data. Like many of the other functions described here, but most particUU@ n;ularly, they relate to and rely on the SDS data structure. CUU` v data_stats UU n0Wcalculates the primary statistics of an entire data set, including extrema and the 0th n4ĪUU nl Xthrough 4th moments of the distribution of the valid data. The values are returned in a moЪUU@ niv-structure suitable for inclusion in the SDS. UU` vof matrix_sum UU nnYcalculates the matrix sum (linear combination) of two equivalent data matrices scaled by e UU@ n 8arbitrary scalar factors. There is no mann page. (UU` nn sds_register.c bly8UU n ]The function translates and rotates an image data array. Translation is specified in element tDUU n ^units, pixels. Rotation is specified in radians. For MDI applications, rotation is expected PUU@ nnot to be used. hehUU nf ZCubic convolution interpolation (Korzennik, 1990 and Keys, 1981) is used. Note that care tUU nheWmust be used in so far as elements at image edge are concerned. The procedure assumes tesUU@ nst0that elements outside the input array are zero. he` uUUGround Observations moUU nibYThe functions described in this section are concerned with specific problems encountered tȪUU n iVin analyzing data taken from ground observing sites as opposed to space observations, ԪUU nmbdsuch as corrections for Earth motion, light-feed path , atmospheric effects, etcn. Naturally erઑUU@ n :they tend to refer to analysis of comparatively raw data. UU` vti fit_limb eUU nmaTThe function argument is a pointer to a typedef SDS. Required information from the s.UU nif[structure members are a pointer to the input data array, and rows and columns in the input sed&UU n \array. The input data array is rank two and the procedure is suited principally for square e 2UU@ nhearrays. usdEedFF pHh\V0FE Hh\V0DH y roUU n \Returned values are estimates of the location of the center of and the radius of the disk's coUU@ nfiimage. s e*UU` nThere is no mann page. HUU` {obsds_gongprep.c oppXUU` nrv-Special procedures for preparing GONG images n|` u, MDI Instrumental tUU n unctions specifically relating to optical and electronic instrumental features of the SOI raUU nUUSMichelson Doppler Imager: calibration, image reconstruction, and decompression and edeUU@ nnfdecoding of telemetry. ʪUU` nctcvtlm ڪUU nto\This is actually a suite of functions for decompression, framing, and decoding of telemetry in檠UU nra\data. It presently works only on data fed through the Spacecraft Interface Simulator to the UU@ n%Electrical Ground Support Equipment. UU` v mdi_vcalc  UU nTimplements the MDI onboard table lookup calculation for the velocity proxy based on t,UU@ n cZfour measured intensities at the standard MDI tuning stops. There is no mann page. JUU` {magmproxy . ZUU nobUimplements an algorithm for calculation of the GOLF magnetic proxy from the MDI five-nfUU@ n, 7position intensity values. Contributed by Carl Henney. fic` upt Cartography roUU` nea sds_remap.c OIUU n WThe function arguments are two pointers to typedef SDS. Required information from the edeȪUU nnfWstructure members are a pointer to the input data array, rows and columns in the input ualԪUU nti]array a pointer to the output data array and rows and columns in that array. As a check, in eઔUU@ n d*and out rank members need to be set to 2. UU n]Estimated data values at points on a heliographic grid of longitude and sine of latitude are UU nemYcalculated by interpolation of data from the input array of values obtained from the CCD U UU@ nsucamera. itdGpsHHn6h\V0HG ox6h\V0]SFJ go#fo` uheHelioseismology xy)UU` n-nsds_masks.cv , 9UU nty\The function argument is a pointer to typedef SDS. This pointer is to a structure that coneaEUU@ n0tains as a member a pointer to the mask values. oiWUU nDSZData are generated for all degrees from a specified minimum value or the value of order, cUU raimn, to specified maximum degree. (The minimum value of ln cannot be less than mn.) The oUU nt evalues of mn are incremented by zdmn. The values for each degree are generated for {UUH nta . UUh nio sds_parity_adjust.c anUU n aZInput to the program are pointers to SDS typedefs for the data from the FFT along rows of UU n CSremapped data. Real and imaginary components are used. Output of the program are UU nXpointers to SDS typedefs for the folded data from the FFT along rows of remapped data. ͪUU@ nog(Real and imaginary components are used. , ߪUU` ntyYFor N even elements, the equations for even and odd foldingalong each row jn are: oQh n   ,   aUU` nto2(for use with symmetric spherical harmonics), and , Ӆfh neg   ,  speFUU nueZ(for use with antisymmetric spherical harmonics). The operations are of course applied to RUU@ nn each data column independently. TpUU` n sds_rowfft842.c UU nteYThe function arguments are two pointers to typedef SDS, SDS real->data is a pointer to a UU n [rank-2 array of input real data. The real part of the transformed data are accessed by the S tUU@ nta?same pointer. The imaginary part is referenced by imag->data. ReUU nomWThe number of elements in each row must be a power of 2. Currently, the number of rows edeUU@ ndamust be even. UU nppXThe number of elements output in each file for each row is one plus the number of input UU nle]elements in each row. The first element corresponds to the zero-frequency value, the last to UU@ nthe Nyquist frequency. e wUU` vrishc_inner_product UU neg^The function shc_inner_product()n produces spherical harmonic coefficients from a propUU nYerly mapped set of data values on a spherical surface by taking the inner product of the d&UU n[data Fourier-transformed and folded along lines of latitude with a maskingset of values of po2UU n]the associated Legendre functions. . The folded data consist of even and odd "parity." This e>UU nrparity corresponds to that of l+mn, where ln is the degree and mn the azimuthal order of the JUU nowUspherical harmonic corresponding to the mask data. Real and imaginary components are vdIerJJ eHh\V0JI thHh\V0V^H el iUU nrsSused. Outputs are SDS dataset members for the real and imaginary components of the thUU ny.nresultant inner product. The input data are considered Kn sets of vectors of length Nn and the UU@ non$set of "masks" of the same length. UU6UU` npe?For Nn elements, the equations for an inner product are rod[ޣh n  ,   [da#oUU( nrmjfor  . Here Kn is the number of rows (latitude samples) of the data and Jn the number of UU@ ns.masks UU n oUBecause the masks are either symmetric or antisymmetric for spherical harmonics, the +^#o nlZequations are implemented separately for N elements of each vector  :, as described in dUUH ndi Sec. 6.3 . ReadUU nmpbEvery ln from minimum to maximum is assumed to be used. Maximum mn is assumed to be dUU@ nequal to maximum ln. el]4 :,KM. /@ӅS equal[(*n*)times[(*n*)indexes[(*n*)0,1,char[(*n*)x],comma[char[(*n*)j],char[n]]],char[(*n*)prime]],plus[(*n*)indexes[(*n*)0,1,char[(*n*)x],comma[char[j],char[n]]],indexes[(*n*)0,1,char[(*n*)x],plus[(*n*)comma[char[j],char[(*n*)N]],minus[(*n*)char[(*n*)n]],minus[(*n*)num[(*n*)1,"1"]]]]]]n ]% :,LOer/Ӆodequal[indexes[0,1,char[x,0,1,0,0,0],comma[char[j],char[n]]],plus[indexes[0,1,char[x],comma[char[j],char[n]]],minus[indexes[0,1,char[x],comma[char[j],plus[char[N],minus[num[1,"1"]],minus[char[n]]]]]]]]UUYO_4 :,M]NGthQKKH mm4ZX[Q 'NMOG TPPH eqz_% :,ONSG ffLLH veYQ 'PN-Ӆ iequal[char[n],comma[num[0,"0"],num[1,"1"],char[ldots],plus[fract[char[N],num[2,"2"]],minus[num[1,"1"]]]]]xIc!1QVd%equal[indexes[0,1,char[z],char[j]],sum[times[indexes[0,1,char[x,0,1,0,0,0],comma[char[n],char[j]]],indexes[0,1,char[y],comma[char[n],char[j]]]],equal[char[n],num[0,"0"]],plus[times[num[2,"2"],char[N]],minus[num[1,"1"]]]]]]H R *nH  (,cn*` narAProgramming in the SOI Analysis Environment, SOI TN 93-107x %z[Q 'SOGl[TUUH ,0[ ǴT][i.b#or[equal[char[m],comma[num[0,"0"],times[char[delta],char[m]],times[num[2,"2"],char[delta],char[m]],times[char[ldots],indexes[0,1,char[l],string["max"]]]]]thYQ 'USQ-Ӆiequal[char[n],comma[num[0,"0"],num[1,"1"],char[ldots],plus[fract[char[N],num[2,"2"]],minus[num[1,"1"]]]]]XKc#1VZI ޣQQJ nuI34 'XZus%Ӆ,nWequal[char[j],comma[num[0,"0"],num[1,"1"],char[ldots],plus[char[J],minus[num[1,"1"]]]]]al[pY\im R#o,cleq[char[J],char[K]][ccaK34 'ZV\Iy]TXXJ ]]I <[^im $#och5indexes[0,1,char[x,0,1,0,0,0],comma[char[n],char[j]]];p \Z^IשYYJ n*8L] Ǵ]MGTTH ir4KI <^\Iz[[J 6h\V0`aA 6h\V0 r[l[UU` n0, ]6)Ra`bAnu2,6)R)Rhar6.%1'bacA ["6.%1' h wl[ General Utilities  6AcbdAr[,n6AA6̬\dceAޣ6̬\̬\X6 = KedA eq6 = K ar],h v[nH 2 w ofv  5 w The SOI Analysis Library  chHh\V0fgB Hh\V0 IUU` n mH)RgfhB[x,1H)R.)RH.%1'hgiB H.%1' Mh wH MDI Instrumental  HAihjBHA.AH̬\jikBH̬\.̬\ ]H = KkjB nuH = K h wD The SOI Analysis Library v 3 w of v 5  dlmsc_mnl c_n ޣUU` n HhXnmol HhXm H)Ronpl 2H)R.)R H0%~poql H0%~ h w October 8, 1993  H[RqprlH[R.[RH̬\rqslH̬\.̬\H = Ksrl H = K h v 1 w of v 5  dtuHA3K ^uvt HH=FootnoteH-vuxtwwFootnoteAnwvwf lHxv{tyz 1Heading Rule;_yzxn;;n;~zyx;~;HvSNd ^{x|t HH 1Heading RuleH1 |{~t}} Chapter Rule }|  HX-J ^~|t H(oH(o Chapter RuleHd~t Table Top_~ ~ DRv8 ^t D[D[ Table TopH,t TableFootnote;w;;HvRb ^t HH TableFootnotedH~6 H~6 ;UU` n"<$paranum><$paratext><$pagenum> ` m^"<$paranum><$paratext><$pagenum> )US UT`  R"<$paranum><$paratext><$pagenum> HnVbC ^ RuHwHwTable of Contents Specification HR- ^HR- teUU` n"<$paranum><$paratext><$pagenum> HP> ^ HHList of Figures SpecificationHR6 HR6 vUU` n"<$paranum><$paratext><$pagenum> HP>Jh ^ HHList of Tables Specificationd;H~ H~ e` x1, 23 ` x$<$symbols><$numerics><$alphabetics> ` x Level3IX &` x Level2IX 0` x$p Level1IX pC` wLSymbols[\ ];Numerics[0];A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z $pL` x> <$pagenum> ^HlAmN ^ HuHueIndex SpecificationHdc_ UUc_ > P> ` oThe SOI Analysis Library (` preR. S. Bogart & L. Bacon BUU` vSOI Technical Note TN-93-108 `UU nWA directory of functions in the SOI Analysis Library, containing short descriptions of mUU nQthe available programs. The emphasis is on the applications library of functions zUU nVspecifically related to analysis of solar observations. General support functions are UU n1Tdescribed elsewhere. The functions listed here are the building blocks of Strategy UU nQModules. Detailed descriptions will in many cases (hah!) be found in individual lUU@ nA;Technical Notes. ;HhX HhXRRD N` u Introduction UU nic\This note provides a general directory of functions in the SOI Analysis Library, containing +UU nYan outline index of the available analysis programs together with short descriptions. By 7UU nR.Xanalysis we refer to programs specifically dealing with the instrumental and physical CUU nof[nature of the data, such as calibrations, transformations, and model fitting. Support funcnOUU nogTtions related to data management, display, mathematics, and programming support are sp[UU n t\described elsewhere . The functions described here may be considered the building blocks d gUU nctYof Strategy Modules. The interested module architect is reminded that this is merely a asUU nwi]listing of available resources, and is referred to the appropriate documentation in the form UU nZof Technical Notes, man pages, and the source code for detailed descriptions of functions UU@ n of interest.. UU n dYWe have made a modest attempt to group the programs by function in the context of either tUU nav]source data or analysis objectives, but readers will be aware that it is the function of the UU nam^creative scientist to exploit tools developed for one purpose in solving entirely new sets of ǪUU nbrUproblems. The purpose of the present note is to provide an easy way of surveying the ӪUU nnaYavailable tools; the tiny number of programs currently available should not be viewed as ߪUU@ n fdetracting from this goal. e cUU ndiZThe name of each function listed corresponds to the file name under which its source code UU n iZcan be found in the directory ~soi/(version)/src/functions, except that the language type UU@ nti1extension (.cn in all cases) is excluded. N'UU nnd]The analysis library is presently in a very early state of development. Only a few functions 3UU nWeVhave been implemented, as much for testing the entire Strategy Module approach as for  dAatLeftdBreRighti bdl fFirst tdtam ReferencesenddeTOCedviIXirdFirstnbrdCe dEprdGyidIna i7f xe ingFootnotef SEi   i1Stepe Step Numbere S:.\tStep_Rf HQx  exc~   d2HeadingH:\t.\t FirstBodyr_R f HQe  tes~nt gy d3HeadingH:\t..\t FirstBody_Rf vHQ   Re~en  2HeadingH:\t.\t FirstBodyX~;fuHQ  Gu~1Heading 1Heading Rule H:\t\t FirstBodyf  Bullet Bullet Symbol\tSfS tepCBullet_Rf{HQ  ~di H: n2HeadingH:\t.\t FirstBodyf@ gyAbstract1Headingf CellBodyf  CellHeadingfa  FiCStep fE  EquationEquation Number E:(EQ )f Extract_ fFA   n HFigure Table Topn Step NumberBF:FIGURE .\tBody~~ f Bodyf CeFootnote.f@   CePurpose FirstBodyfS  Step Step Number S:.\tfq n+> TableFootnoteffT  TableTitle Table Top Step NumberT:TABLE .\tf @ < ~TitleAuthorf!y  CellHeadingf"x .CellBodyf#Te  TableTitle Table Top Step NumberT:TABLE .\t~~f&D  FirstBodyBody~;f'HQn  u~1Heading 1Heading Rule H:\t\t FirstBodyf(wL  fheaderf)w   footer left!f*w   footer rightf+w   header firstf,w  ~ footer firstf-n y  f 3HeadingTOCf.m Rul