Past SOI Team Meetings & Conferences
This listing contains information about past team meetings, workshops,
and related scientific and technical conferences. The original pre-meeting
postings are maintained here for reference.
Team Meetings
"Helioseismology at Low Angular Degree
"  Workshop, 9-11 December 1999,
Stanford, California, USA
SOI/GONG Workshop
, 3-5 December 1997,
Stanford University.
Team Meeting, 13-15 March 1997, Stanford University
GOLF/VIRGO/MDI Intercomparison
Workshop, 13-14 December 1996, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
SOI Team Meeting, 29-30 July 1996, Stanford
University, Stanford, Calif.
SOI Team Meeting,
24-26 April 1996, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
SOI Team Meeting,
27-29 September 1995, Stanford University, Stanford Calif.
4th SOHO Workshop on Helioseimology, 2-6 April 1995,
Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, Calif.
SOI Team Meeting, 9-12 Oct. 1994, Stanford
Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, Calif.
Workshops, Working Group Meetings
22-24 March 1999: GONG '99,
Tucson, AZ
18-19 February 1999: GOLF/MDI Intercomparison Meeting, Los Angeles.
4-5 February 1997: Surface
Flows Working Group Meeting, Palo Alto, CA
8-9 January 1997: SOI/MDI Internal Rotation
and Structure Inversion Teams Meeting, Stanford University, Stanford,
22-26 May, 1995: Ring Diagram Analysis Team, Stanford
Related Conferences
AGU 2000 Spring Meeting,
30 May - 3 June 2000, Washington, DC
AAS Solar Physics Division, 18-22 J
une 2000, Stateline, NV
AAS Solar Physics Division,
30 May - 3 June 1999, Chicago, IL
AGU 1999 Spring Meeting,
31 May - 4 June 1999, Boston, MA
8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma
Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 22-25
June 1999, Paris, France
Ninth SOHO Workshop: Helioseism
Diagnostics of Solar Convection and Activity, 12-15 July 1999, Stanford,
Physics of the Solar
Corona and Transition Region, 24-27 August 1999, Monterey, CA
6-10 December 1998, AGU
1998 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
12-19 July 1998: 32nd COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, Nagoya, Japan
1-4 June 1998: SOHO VI / GONG
98, Boston, MA
26-29 May 1998: AGU
1998 Spring Meeting with AAS/SPD, Boston, MA
6-10 January 1998: 191st
AAS Meeting, Washington, DC
8-12 December 1997: AGU
1997 Fall Meeting , San Francisco, CA
22-25 Sept 1997: 31st
ESLAB Symposium, "Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere
and in Geospace," Noordwijk, The Netherlands
18-22 August 1997: IAU
Symposium 185: "New Eyes to See Inside the Sun and Stars," in conjunction
with IAU 23rd General Assembly,
18- 30 August 1997, Kyoto, Japan
27 June - 1 July 1997: SPD
Meeting, Bozeman, MT
17-20 June 1997: Fifth
SOHO Workshop, "The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity," Oslo,
8-12 June 1997: 190th
Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Winston-Salem, NC
27-30 May 1997: AGU
Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD
21-25 April 1997: European Geophysical Society Meeting EGS
97, Vienna, Austria
12-16 January 1997: 189th
Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
15-19 December 1996: AGU Fall
Meeting, "Helioseismology" (Session SH04),
San Francisco, CA.
30 Sept. - 3 October 1996: IAU
Symposium No. 181, Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors, Nice, France.
This page last reviewed 2 September 1998
Please address comments and questions to Margie
Stehle, SOI Meetings Coordinator, or to webmaster@soi.Stanford.EDU.
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