Views of the solar corona by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
C.J. Schrijver, A.M. Title, and the
N.B.By clicking on any of the thumbnail images in this collection, a browser window named ``upclose'' will be used to show a larger (often the full-resolution) version of the image. This allows the reader to view both the description and the image side by side in separate windows. The ``upclose'' window will be launched if it does not already exist. However, if that window already exists, it will not be automatically moved on top of other existing windows, nor will it be automatically shown should it have been ``minimized.'' So if it seems that nothing happens when you click on an image, the ``upclose'' window is probably hiding elsewhere on your screen.Embedded within the image descriptions of the images are some links to short, and generally small, movies. To make it easier to find these, they are listed separately below. Clicking on ``description'' will show the page that contains the description, positioned approximately near the start of the corresponding description. Clicking on ``Movie #'' should launch a movie player; how and which one depends on the ``applications'' settings of your browser. Pages with thumbnail images and descriptions:Direct access to TRACE movies in this collection:
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